
New Beginning


275 words - a minute

At the time of writing this, this website is still under construction. I'm remaking it partially to be more of a portfolio, but don't worry, all of your games and bookmarklets will be saved. I'll even be able to do a proxy better than before. If you are a serious business person who is interested in serious business, feel free to contact me. here are the new deets:

💀 Old site

Frontend: Static html with custom css. Named folders with index.html inside of them to act as subpages.
Backend: Static file serving using php. An unused api on another subdomain.
Host: Heroku

When I asked people for feedback, most people seem to say it was clean and professional. I personally saw a lack of theming and a lot of inconsistencies, with a terrible code base. I also felt like it was too detailed and detracted from the message. Also, I never finished implementing the store, as I had a massive burnout and effectively graveyarded the project.

🎉 New site

Frontend: Cleaner design with custom css.
Backend: Express.js server, using showdown.js to compile the blog pages to html on the backend.
Host: Heroku

I improved a LOT of things. I recoded the entire UI, using a central css file to provide the styling and another file for the color variables for easy customization. I also added a bunch of easter eggs, try to see if you can find them all! I added them because I think websites should stop being so plain and boring, and try to be more exciting and mischievous.


I remade my website from the ground up, and hid a bunch of secret and fun pages. See if you can find them!